Numbness & Tingling

Numbness and tingling can be a result of many factors. It can be a result of compression of a nerve as it travels through the spinal column (canal stenosis) or as it exits the spine (foraminal stenosis). Nerves can also become entrapped and compressed as they travel through muscle groups.

Common examples of this are compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle as it travels under this muscle and other muscles to the feet. Nerves travelling from the neck to the hand can become compressed as they exit the neck and under muscles as they travel through the shoulder, down the arm and through the carpal tunnel in the wrist into the hand.

Many people experience numbness and tingling due to damage to the nerves from inflammation in their system due to chronic illness or poor blood flow and nutrition to the nerves. If nerves are not getting activated or adequate nutrition, it often will lead to numbness and tingling to nerves which can cause weakness, pain, numbness, tingling in the neck, back, arms and hands or legs and feet.

If these nerves begin to pass and continue to be damaged they can cause one to have pain, numbness, tingling, burning, balance problems, and many additional symptoms.


Dr Hanson has a postgraduate degree in Functional Neurology as well as being a Doctor of Chiropractic. He has been helping people for over two decades with pain, numbness and tingling. He would welcome the opportunity to help you get relief and restore function and balance to your muscles, joints and nervous system.


Symptoms Questionnaire